Industrial Facilities

Safety of industrial plants and oil and gas facilities

Technological process control at the place of production, monitoring of unattended and inaccessible facilities, protection raw and ready-to-use materials against theft are the priority goals in terms of safety and security in the industrial plants and oil and gas industry facilities. Therefore, it is crucial, at the initial stage of a security systems design, to assume all specific features and aspects of the facility activity: from the stage of raw material receipt, its processing, distribution and storage to centralized facility management in general.

Integrated approach and application of advanced software technologies of video image analysis (such as a direction sensor, line crossing sensor, sabotage sensor, object counter, etc.) ensure optimization of installation expenses and further operation of the system.

Another major advantage of the integrated security system in the industrial plants is its interaction with any related systems, including security and fire alarm systems as well as software integration with the most well respected external systems of access control and , perimeter security.

A distinctive feature of a reliable system is its ability to fully automate the process of protecting remote and unattended objects. The transmission of messages about the alarms and frames from the object via e-mail, sms or mms, the archiving of video data even on low-speed communication channels and many other features of the system will provide the highest level of security for autonomous objects.

Support system technology allows you to obtain the values of technological parameters of equipment from various systems having a security and fire alarm server. The security and fire alarm-client performs real-time monitoring of technological processes or parameters of life support devices of buildings.

Thanks to all these technologies, the system is able to become system-forming in the Integrated Security System of industrial enterprises and enterprises of the oil and gas industry.

Advanced technologies for industrial plants, oil and gas industry facilities

The solutions for industrial plants and oil and gas industry ensure:

  • Monitoring and control over geographically dispersed facilities;
  • Security and engineering surveillance.

Security video surveillance provides:

  • Control against any unauthorized persons’ penetration into the territory;
  • Safety of the property and expensive equipment;
  • Thefts prevention and location of offenders;
  • More efficient work of a facility security services.

Engineering video surveillance ensures and provides:

  • Control over production process;
  • Receipt the data of control and measuring equipment;
  • Timely response to emergency situations;
  • An option of retrospective analysis of the events occurred.


+ One interface for managing security systems on site

+ Hard hierarchy of levels of access to equipment and to the object

+ Integration with additional security equipment

+ Coordination of the work of a large number of specialists

+ Economical use of communication channels

+ Control over the process of construction of the object

Technological process control at the place of production, monitoring of unattended and inaccessible facilities, protection raw and ready-to-use materials against theft are the priority goals in terms of safety and security in the industrial plants and oil and gas industry facilities.